Monday 26 August 2019

Reading Notes: Cupid and Psyche, Part A


Original Story: "Cupid and Psyche" from Apuleius' ancient Roman novel, The Golden Ass, translated into English by Tony Kline. Source.

Image Information: Psyché et l’Amour endormi (1636) Painted by Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640). Source.
Plot Details:

  • A girl is kidnapped for ransom, the robbers promise not to hurt her but the girl is understandably terrified. An old woman of the group tells her a story to comfort her.
  • Psyche so beautiful that people worshipped her instead of Venus
  • Venus wanted Psyche to fall in love with something gross
  • people admired her as if she wasn't human so no one thought they could even propose to her. Psyche was lonely
  • Psyche's father asked about potential husbands to the oracle, who said psyche would marry a hideous monster that even the gods fear.
  • Psyche goes as if she's dying and not marrying
  • Psyche says she was dead when people started worshipping her instead of Venus.
  • Zephyr guides to her her husband's house, which is super luxurious and has invisible servants
  • Invisible husband tells Psyche that her sisters think she is dead and are going to the cliff.
  • Husband tells Psyche not to listen to advice from sisters or ruin will hit her.
  • Jealous sisters want to ruin Psyche's marriage
  • Husband warns Psyche, Psyche is pregnant
  • sisters know Psyche is a husband is a god and bring up that the oracle said she would marry a hideous monster. They say husband will kill her and her unborn child. They tell her to take a lamp and light and to look at her husband and murder him
  • Psyche sees her husband is a super hot god, accidentally stabs herself with a cupid arrow. Oil wants to get closer to Cupid and splashes itself on him
  • Cupid runs because betrayal, reveals he disobeyed Venus and stabbed himself with his own arrow and fell in love with Psyche.
  • Psyche is depressed, Pan tells her to get a grip and win Cupid back.
  • Psyche tells each sister that Cupid banished her and wants to marry the sister
  • Sisters greed causes their death.

  • Ideas for Retelling:

    Retell Psyche discovering Cupid's appearance from the Oil's perspective (Because the Oil found Cupid so attractive that is splashed itself on him.). 
    One good image to use for this retelling would be: (image information at the top)

    Retell from Venus' perspective as she decides to make Psyche marry something gross as punishment for being pretty and taking away her worshippers. Maybe fill in the plot hole of why an all-powerful goddess didn't just kill Psyche.

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