Monday 26 August 2019

Reading Notes: Cupid and Psyche, Part B


Original Story: "Cupid and Psyche" from Apuleius' ancient Roman novel, The Golden Ass, translated into English by Tony Kline. Source.

Image Information: Wedding Banquet of Cupid and Psyche (1517) by Painter Raphael (1483-1520). Source.

Plot Points:
  • Venus finds out Eros married Psyche and is furious. The other gods call her out on being a hypocrite.
  • Psyche wants to find a temple to stay at but all the goddesses she visits refuse to get involved because of Venus.
  • Psyche eventually goes to Venus, who torments her then tells here to sort grains, only for the ants to pity Psyche and sort the grains for her.
  • Psyche is ordered to get golden wool but she instead tries to drown herself. A green reed stops her and tells her to get wool from branches instead of directly from the sheep.
  • Psyche is sent to get liquid from the underworld. Jupiter sent an eagle to get the liquid for her, even though the other goddesses promised not to get involved.
  • Psyche is sent to get some of Persephone's beauty for Venus in a jar. A turret helps her get to Persephone.
  • Psyche uses the beauty jar to freshen up for Cupid, but a sleeping beauty curse.
  • Cupid meanwhile is all better now and saves Psyche and asks Jupiter for support.
  • Jupiter calls a god council and makes Psyche a goddess and remarries her with Cupid.
  • Back to Robber camp, Lucius and the captive girl escape to freedom
Retelling Ideas:
  • The ant's perspective of why they decided to sort the grain.
  • A retelling with the god's council where everyone agrees Venus being a grandmother is absolutely hilarious and that's why they decided to bring Cupid and Psyche back together.
One good image for Cupid and Psyche's reunion would be: (image information at the top)

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